War and Order Blacksmith
The Blacksmith is one of the most important in-game building as it can help you improve your statistics. When you forge one of the 6 types of equipments, you will gain an increase of a statistic depending on the type of equipment you choose to forge. Here, I’ll be explaining the functions of the Blacksmith of War and Order.
There are 6 types of equipments you can choose to forge:
– Weapon
– Helmet
– Belt
– Clothes
– Accessory
– Boots
Each requires a type of material which is always needed when forging a new item. Each item also focuses on a type of attack or a type of defence. Weapon, Accessory and Boots prioritises on attack buffs whereas Belt, Helmet and Clothing prioritises on defence. As you level up your castle, you’ll be able to upgrade the blacksmith along with it. Every 5 levels, you’ll gain a new set of equipments which will give you an opportunity to upgrade your equipments and upgrade your buffs, potentially gaining a new type of statistic depending on the type of equipment you choose to forge.
As you press your blacksmith, there will be an option stating “storage”. Press storage and in there, there will show a storage of your materials and how much you have. There are 15 types of materials and there will always be 5 rarities. Common (grey), Uncommon (green), Rare(blue), Epic (purple), Legendary (gold). To obtain legendary material, you would have to fuse 5 of one type of material but they must be the same rarity. For example: fuse 5 common material and you will obtain 1 uncommon material. One way to gain a material is by producing them in the Workshop which is located right next to your Star Ruins. You can select the type of material you want, and you can only produce common or uncommon materials. Since this is a long-term game, I recommend highly to always produce uncommon materials because it saves time rather than producing 5 common materials to only gain 1 uncommon. Another way to gain materials is by purchasing material chests through the Star Ruins Shop, Infinite Wars Shop and through events.
When you obtain an equipment Level 25 or higher, you will have the ability to enhance your equipment. Another way you can call this is gaining an additional skill for your equipment. All enhancement costs 25 obsidian steel – to randomly gain an additional statistic- which Is obtainable through the Infinite Wars Shop and through other events. This can be called gambling since your spinning skills trying to obtain the specific one you need. You will only have a 7.14% of getting the skill you want. To fortify, or to upgrade your additional skill, you will be needing 20 obsidian steel – for the first upgrade- but as you upgrade the additional skill, the expensive the required obsidian steel is needed. Each equipment additional skill is different so do take a look at what you’re gambling for. You can find this by pressing the blacksmith -> enhance -> Press (type of equipment) enhance -> Special Stats (!) and you will be opened up to a list of possible additional skills.
Upgrading your Blacksmith
Each time you upgrade your blacksmith, the Forging Speed % increases. If your blacksmith is level 20, then your forging speed will be 20%, Blacksmith level 30 then it’ll be 30%. Of course, the resources requirement will change depending on the level your blacksmith needs. Past blacksmith level 30, ‘AZURITE’ will be needed.