Since war and order is a long-term game, it is very important to know where to spend your gems on. On some websites the will tell that using gems for speedups for buildings is the best. Their calculation is right but the strategy to use your gems is just stupid. Below this article you will find our top 5 on what you can best spend the gems on.
How do you get gems:
- Completing some quests
- Gather from Gem Mines.
- You will get free Gems the first time you join an alliance.
- Participate some events like Frenzy, Void, Territory defense, etc
- Raise your Lord Level to get Gem rewards.
- Every time you update the game to the newest game version.
- With some purchases you can get additional free bonus Gems
- You can also get free gems from the Daily Rewards.
- Subscription to a Monthly Card.
- Castle upgrades until level 25 with the Growth fund
When you want to buy gems, the best offers are the Monthly card and the weekly glimmering packs.
Then most important, what is the best you can spend gems on:
- Stamina – Killing monsters is the key to growth. You need to kill as much monsters as you can. With monsters you will get materials, resources and lord XP. Buy all stamina you can in the benefits shop. Also get them from the merchant ship. Refresh every time until you have bought all stamina. Beside that the merchant has some other nice deals too which we will explain in a new post.
- Azurite mine boost (Only for castle level 30 and above) – For 450 gems you can boost the output of your mine with 50%. This will boost the growth of your castle enormously and is a must for being a serious player
- Material chests – Materials are very important for equipment in the black smith. Especially when you want to go for golden equipment you need as many materials you can get. Get them from the benefitshop, weekly deals, and the merchant
- Beast XP pill- it is important to upgrade your beast level as fast as you can to beast level 25. At level 25 you will get an extra passive skill which gives you a big boost in strength
- VIP points and VIP activation – VIP gives you many advantages like an extra march, attack boosts, etc. Make sure you get the highest level of VIP and you activate it. The best place to buy VIP point and activation is the Merchant ship
Do never buy the following with gems of money, better spend it on other things. It will slow down your growth in the long run:
- Resources like wood, grain, iron and stone. Go farming or rob another castle.
- Speedups for building, research, and recruitment. When you play a lot, you should get enough of them.