War and Order College
The College building Is important for the growth of your castle and the development of your statistics (stats) which can make you even stronger. I’ll be stating what each upgrades mean and the functions for the college on the following:
College Upgrades
As you level up your college, there will be more skills available which you can research. When you press the college, then press research, you will be shown 5 type of skills you can research so search around and check out their requirements needed to be researched on. Past college level 30, you will be needing azurite to complete further upgrades.
Resources skill
This skill upgrades your resources technology such as wood gathering speed, depot capacity and your loading capacity. This is useful for farms as you’d want the max rss output you can get. However for main castles, you’d want to focus on maxing out your loading capacity as this will give you more rss on the castle you plundered.
Castle Defence
This skill helps upgrade your castle wall hp but its not as useful as your war skills. You can upgrade stuffs lke golem